Map with Charts


Map with Charts

Maps with chart associate charts with location data.

There are two ways of creating maps with charts

1. Drag and drop method

1. Location Columns – Drop latitude and longitude or geometry column.
2. Dimention Column – Drop one column (like category or date)
3. Measure Column – Drop one column use aggrgared function like sum, count, actual value, avg
4. Group by – Drop locations columns or anyother column

2. SQL query –

There are 3 citql is made for identify.
1. citqllat and citlqllng
2. citqlgeom
3. citqlgeog

There must be one citqlline, citqlbar or citqlpie step needed in query.

For example if you have latitude and longitude column then sample query will be
1. Line Chart Citql Tags
SELECT {citqlLatCol|Latitude}, {citqlLngCol|Longitude},{citqlLineChartColumns|col1,col2} from table group by country
Above query draw line chart when click on marker and use column name as category axis and col1, col2 for measure values. You can add as many as column in second part of line citql tags.

SELECT {citqlLatCol|Latitude}, {citqlLngCol|Longitude}{citqlLineChartColumns|XCol|col1,col2} from table group by country
Above query draw line chart when click on marker and use use XCol value as category axis and col1, col2 for measure values. You can add as many as column in second part of line citql tags.

2. Bar Chart Citql Tags
SELECT {citqlLatCol|Latitude}, {citqlLngCol|Longitude}{citqlbarChartColumns|col1,col2} from table group by country
Above query draw bar chart when click on marker and use column name as category axis and col1, col2 for measure values. You can add as many as column in second part of bar citql tag.

SELECT {citqlLatCol|Latitude}, {citqlLngCol|Longitude}{citqlLineChartColumns|XCol|col1,col2} from table group by country
Above query draw bar chart when click on marker and use use XCol value as category axis and col1, col2 for measure values. You can add as many as column in second part of bar citql tag.

3. Pie Chart Citql Tags
SELECT {citqlLatCol|Latitude}, {citqlLngCol|Longitude}{citqlPieChartColumns|count(col1), count(col2)} from table group by country
Above query draw pie chart when click on marker and use column name as category axis and col1, col2 for measure values. you can use any aggregarated function in second part of citql tag.

SELECT {citqlLatCol|Latitude}, {citqlLngCol|Longitude}{citqlLineChartColumns|XCol|col1} from table group by country
Above query draw Pie chart when click on marker and use use XCol value as category axis and col1 for measure value.